Check These Five Motorcycle Parts Before You Ride

September 15, 2016 6:59 am Published by Leave your thoughts

There is no doubt that you are more vulnerable on a motorcycle or scooter than when you are driving your car. That is why safety checks are important—a flat tire on a motorcycle can lead to injuries and damage that may not necessarily happen on a car. Here are five motorcycle parts in Salt Lake City to check before you take your bike for a spin. This pre-check only takes a few minutes and can avoid costly mistakes and repairs:

  • Tires: A blowout on a motorcycle can cause an accident much like with a car. However, you are also more likely to sustain serious injuries. That is one reason you want to check your tires. If there are foreign objects embedded in them or a sudden reduction in pressure, you may want the tire checked by a professional before you ride. Tires that lose inflation also affect handling, which can make it difficult to avoid danger. Checking your tires with every ride also helps you determine what is normal and when you need further investigation. That will keep you safe and alert you to problems before they occur.
  • Lights: Motorcycles need lights, not only to be able to see in adverse conditions, but also to be seen by other motorists. Having taillights or headlights burned out or signal lights that are not working can be dangerous when you are on the road. Give all your lights a good check to ensure they are working. Also, keep extra bulbs available so you can change out burned-out ones as soon as possible. Motorists are not always aware of motorcycles, but you can make yours more noticeable with working lights.
  • Controls: Steering and brakes should remain responsive. If steering feels off, call a mechanic, since you would rather be safe than sorry. Brakes also need to be working, since motorcycles stop quicker than they accelerate. That is why they need to have a good feel so you do not propel yourself over the handlebars. Squeeze the levers a couple of times as the engine warms up. If brakes feel soft or they pull back, you need to have your brake lines checked.
  • Fluids: You do not want to suffer a breakdown in a vulnerable spot. Checking fluid levels before you ride is a big step in preventing these scenarios. That includes oil, but also coolant, brake fluid, transmission oil and hydraulic clutch fluid. What you need to check depends on the type of bike you ride and its system. You also need to check your fuel level, since running out of gas can be both embarrassing and dangerous. Check your owner’s manual if you are unsure of which fluids to monitor.
  • Kickstand: A busted kickstand is far more than inconvenient when you are riding. Leaving bikes on their side while you visit sites is not good for them, as it can scrape the chrome and paint. Make sure your kickstand works before you end up somewhere with no place to lean your bike.

For motorcycle parts in Salt Lake City, as well as a full range of repair and maintenance services, visit The Quad & Cycle Shop today. We look forward to helping you.

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